London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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West Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]

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One case was in residence and 13 were admitted during the
year, and 2 diphtheria patients were complicated by facial erysipelas.
One case proved fatal, a man aged 50 years, who had a
severe attack and died from general septicaemia within '24 hours
of admission. The face and scalp were the parts affected in 1,1
cases, the arm in 2 cases, and the leg in one case. The ages of the
patients varied from 5 months to 66 years.
During the year 4 cases of cerebro spinal meningitis were
under treatment, and one of them proved fatal. Two cases of
tubercular meningitis and one case of staphylococcal meningitis
were also under treatment and proved fatal. Six other cases which
had been admitted as cerebrospinal meningitis proved to be suffering
from the following complaints:—Influenza 2, meningism 2,
gastro-enteritis 1, constipation 1.
Other Diseases.
In addition to the cases of revised diagnosis which have
already been mentioned, the following are included under this
group:—Puerperal pyrexia 1, rubella 4, chickenpox 8, influenza
and pneumonia 1, pulmonary tuberculosis 1, observation 1, cerebral
haemorrhage 1. Of these, the cases of cerebral haemorrhage
and pulmonary tuberculosis proved fatal.
Cross Infection.
During the year, 5 cases of scarlet fever and 9 cases of
diphtheria were admitted in the incubation stage of measles, and
from these 7 cases of scarlet fever and 13 cases of diphtheria
contracted the disease. Eleven cases of diphtheria contracted
scarlet fever. Chickenpox infected 5 scarlet fever patients and
3 diphtheria patients. Two scarlet fever patients contracted

Active Immunisation Against Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever. Schick Test.

Number of patients tested487
Number which proved positive277
Rate per cent. of positives56.87
Number immunised218
Number of cases in which permission for immunisation was not obtained21
Rate per cent. of cases tested in which permission for immunisation was not obtained4.31