London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Sutton and Cheam 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Sutton and Cheam]

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rat and mouse repression
rats and mice (destruction) act, 1919
the infestation order ,1943
During 1946. 3,264 primary and subsequent visits were
made in connection with rats or mice infested or suspected infested
No major infestations were recorded. 343 premises were
satisfactorily cleared of rats or mice, and the work for the year
is generally summarised below
The total number of complaints received —
or cases discovered during the year 1946 396
Total number investigated 396
Total number of premises on which no
evidence of infestation was found 43
Total number of premises found to be
infested 333
Total number of premises cleared of rats
or mice (including 70 promises cleared which
were discovered daring previous years) 343
Cause of infestation at the 353 premises found to
be infested during the year
Keeping of poultry etc. 77
Accumulations of refuse or debris 8
Harbourage under or in garden sheds etc. 95
Defective drains 11
Inside premises (under floors etc) 108
Buries in gardens &c. 7l
Type of premises cleared
of rats or mice
Dwelling-houses (mainly
in gardens) 290
Foodshops and food
premises 27
Non-food shops and stores 8
Factories 5
Parks, allotments and
sports grounds 5
Offices 2
Refuse Tips and Sewage
Works 2
Miscellaneous 4
Methods employed in clearing
the 343 premises of rats or mice
Poison baits 316
Trapping 22
Gassing 12
Rat & Mouse
proofing 6
Drains repaired 12
Other means 10