London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hillingdon 1969

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hillingdon]

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Environmental Health
Fixed storage tanks are fitted to modern aircraft and portable flasks are used for supplying
drinking water in the older types as well as for supplying iced water to many foreign airlines. Although
sterilisation of flasks is practised between each filling, the water in them was frequently unsatisfactory
particularly in the peak holiday season.
Vermin Control
In order to exercise adequate control regular inspections of buildings, land and aircraft are made.
Small infestations by rodents occur and control is exercised by the employment by the British
Airports Authority of a contracting Company who employ an operator full-time at the Airport to
deal with this and other problems.
The buildings at the Airport are inspected for rodents and insects. Mice and particularly cockroaches
were troublesome in past years but by regular control treatments the situation is greatly
Occasionally a rodent is found on an Aircraft presumably gaining access with cargo. During
1969 two aircraft were fumigated with Hydrogen Cyanide for the destruction of rats.
In order that infestations can be dealt with quickly, one of the operating companies at London
(Heathrow) Airport acts as agent for the other airlines and has an arrangement with a fumigation
company who will treat an aircraft with Hydrogen Cyanide any time of day or night, at the request
of the Duty Officer. On discovery of insects disinsectisation is carried out immediately.
These Regulations require the pasteurization of liquid egg which is to be used in food intended
for sale for human consumption. 23 samples of this product were submitted for the alpha-amylase
test for adequate pasteurization, the number of samples was higher than the previous years due to
the fact that the Laboratory reported adversely on four samples, isolating salmonella virchow from
two samples, type 1 coliforms in the third and recording a failure in the alpha-amylase test on the
fourth. Extensive investigations and enquiries made with the co-operation of the producers failed
to reveal the cause for these failures and all the repeat samples were found to be satisfactory. Liquid
Egg is not pasteurized within the Borough.
Seven samples of fertilizers and five samples of animal feeding stuffs were taken during the year
and submitted to the Council's Agricultural Analyst for examination. One sample of feeding stuff
was found to have an excess of protein, five fertilizer samples had various deficiencies in the soluble
phosphoric acid contents, excesses of nitrogen and excesses in insoluble phosphoric acid content.
The reasons for these adverse reports were the use of incorrect statutory statements, deterioration
during overlong storage and variation of production standards. All the matters were dealt with