London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Richmond upon Thames 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Richmond]

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The Board's works are situated alongside the River Thames in
the Parish of Mortlake.
The sewage of the Borough is conveyed by numerous collecting
sewers into a main outfall sewer.
The town was partially re-sewered in 1898.
The separate system was introduced many years ago and surface
water sewers are now laid along most of the streets within the
Treatment of Sewage.
The method of sewage disposal at the Works is that of precipitation,
and through bacterial filter beds, the effluent passing
into the Thames.
Closet Accommodation.
Water closet accommodation is general throughout the
The removal of house refuse and the cleansing and scavenging
of the streets are under the control and supervision of the Borough
Surveyor. Portable galvanised dustbins are in use in all parts of
the Borough
The house refuse is removed as a rule once weekly, but in the
summer time arrangements have been made to collect the refuse
twice weekly.
All house refuse is conveyed to the destructor at Barnes and
there destroyed by burning.
All the elementary Schools are regularly inspected with regard
to their sanitary condition. Many of the schools are old and not
up to the modern standard.