London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chingford 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chingford]

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Acute Poliomyelitis
There were three cases during the year, all being paralytic
poliomyelitis. Pull recovery took place in two of the patients,
the third, a child of three years, having some residual paralysis
of one arm.
Vaccination against poliomyelitis, which commenced in 1956,
expanded appreciably during 1957 when a total of 1,249 children were
Thirty-two new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and 3 new cases
of tuberculosis of other organs were recorded in 1957. In addition,
11 established cases of pulmonary tuberculosis originally acquired
in other areas, took up residence in the Borough. There were five
deaths from this disease.
B.C.G. vaccination of school children in their fourteenth year
was offered to all those children who were eligible; 365 children
were thus vaccinated after parental consent had been obtained. This
represents only 65% of those who were offered vaccination.
Vaccination with B.C.G. vaccine is a measure of proved value
and many more parents are urged to consent to their children being
The Walthamstow and Chingford Association of Tuberculosis Care
Helpers gave material assistance in the way of milk, groceries,
clothing, etc. to the families of tuberculous persons who were in
need of such support. The Chingford Borough Council makes an
annual contribution to the funds of this Association.
Mass Radiography
During September, the Mass Radiography Unit visited the town
and held a total of eleven sessions at three convenient centres.
The analysis of this survey is as follows:-
Males Females Total
Number examined 1316 2181 3497
Cases of pulmonary tuberculosis discovered:-
Presumed healed 5
Cases needing occasional clinic supervision, 9
Cases needing close clinic supervision 2
Cases needing immediate treatment 7
Other conditions discovered:-
Heart and arterial diseases 7
Other abnormalities 16