London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chigwell 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chigwell]

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Slaughtering for this District is carried out in centralised
Ministry of Food slaughterhouses situated outside the District.
During the year assistance in meat inspection has been
afforded at the Ministry of Food slaughterhouse, Waltham
Abbey. 42 visits have been made to slaughterhouses.
There are 27 butchers' shops in the District and 296 visits have
been made to these premises.
7 licences to sell game have been issued.
(c) Restaurants.
211 visits have been made to restaurants and cafes.
One cafe has been completely renovated-
(d) (1) Food Condemnation.
The following foodstuffs were inspected and found unfit for
human consumption. Some items were returned for reprocessing,
some disposed of for animal food or for manufacturing purposes
and the remainder destroyed.
Bristling, tins 1 Kippers, stone 1
Cod, stone 4 Lobster, tins 3
Crab, tins 1 Pilchards, tins 2
Crab Paste, tins 2 Roes, tins 5
Crawfish, tins 1 Salmon, tins 3
Herrings, tins 6 Sardines, tins 11
Totals: 1950 1951 1952
Tins and Jars 97 51 35
lbs. 377 190 70