London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chigwell 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chigwell]

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The building of the 46 houses to accommodate the occupants of
overcrowded houses and houses to be demolished was commenced early
in the year and a few houses were made ready for occupation in January,
1939. All the houses being built are semi-detached. The accommodation
to be provided is as follows:—
14 in family 1
12 „ „ 1
9 „ „ 16
6 „ „ 26
4 „ „ 1
2 „ ,, 2 flats—
2 each 1
The issue of certificates showing permitted numbers to the end
of the year is as follows:—
To the end of To the end of
1937. 1938.
Buckhurst Hill 301 327
Chigwell 148 157
Loughton 282 341
Number of visits, 426.
(a) Milk Supply—
There are 15 cowkeepers on the register for the district, 8 produce
and retail and 7 produce and sell wholesale; 176 visits have been
made during the year.
The cowsheds have been maintained in a satisfactory condition.
In one case, increased light and ventilation was made.
One sample of milk was taken and submitted to the County
Laboratories for examination and the result was satisfactory.
The County Council took 49 samples of Tuberculin Tested and
Accredited milk which were submitted to the Methylene Blue Test, 40
were satisfactory, 9 unsatisfactory. A further 9 samples were taken in
the case of the unsatisfactory ones, which proved to be satisfactory,
making a total of 58 samples.