London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wimbledon 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wimbledon]

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Water Supply.
The Metropolitan Water Board is responsible for the supply of
water to the Borough and regular periodical examinations are made
by them.
With three exceptions all the dwelling houses in Wimbledon are
supplied from public water mains direct to the houses.
Corporation Swimming Baths— Sampling of water.
During the year eight samples of water were taken for bacteriological
examination. All samples were reported as being bacteriologically
Sanitary Inspection of District.
The following is a statement showing the number and nature of
inspections made during 1952:—
Reason for Visit. No.
Infectious Diseases, investigations, etc. 643
Inspections under Housing Act, 1936, Part IV 120
House to House Inspections (Section 91, Public
Health Act, 1936):—
(a) number of houses inspected 195
(b) number of revisits 148
House Inspections 8,257
Inspections of Factories, Workplaces and Outworkers'
premises 369
Inspections of Dairies 36
Inspections of Food, and Food Premises 1,338
Obtaining samples of Food and Drugs 125
Inspections under the Shops Act 1950 275
Inspections under the Petroleum (Regulation)
Acts, 1923 and 1936 57
Applications of Tests to Drains 207
Inspections under The Prevention of Damage
by Pests Act, 1949 2,714
Smoke Observations 57
Miscellaneous Inspections (including visits to
Nursing Homes, Caravans, Piggeries, Stables,
Hairdressers' premises and Watercourses) 926
Total 15,467