London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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Miss M.H. Ward, who succeeded Hiss Williams as Superintendent of
the home, contributes the following details in respect of 1962.
During the year we had one mother aged 13½ years, two aged 14
years and five aged 15 years. The majority of the remainder were in
their late teens with a few in theit late twenties.
The ages of the residents tends to become lower and the time
spent in the home after the birth of the baby is a little longer.
This is due in sane cases to adoption taking longer, another reason
is the lack of foster mothers.
On the whole the majority of the mothers make a clean break with
the home on leaving. Although all say " V 11 write " , very few do.
Quite a number of the old' girls do keep in touch, one in
particular comes and sells flags for us on Princess Elizabeth Day.
The relaxation classes arranged at the home by the health visitors
continue to be a great help to the expectant mothers.

The table below summarises the indoor work for 1962 ".

From Walthamstow191332
Prom rest of County7053123
From outside County224

Dr, H. Ramsay Consultant Chest Physician, has contributed the
The number of cases of tuberculosis remaining on the Clinic
Register at 31.12.1962 was.
Respiratory 1934 )
Non Respiratory 157 )
The clinic figures of main interest are set out below. They
refer of course to the combined attendances of Walthamstow, Chingford
and Leyton patients.
Total Attendances 16.078
Total New Cases 6,504
Total X rays 14,943
Miniature Camera 3,059
New Notifications 96
do (Walthamstow only) 45