London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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The total number of deaths in 1962 (1273) compares with 1323
in 1961, the respective death rates being 11.76 and 12.15 per 1,000
The comparability factors for Walthamstow are given by the
Registrar-General as follows: -
Comparability factor for births 1.03
Comparability factor for deaths 1.03
The above factors, when applied to the crude rates, produce the
following adjusted rates:-
Live births 14.8
Deaths 12.1
Deaths from Accidents in the home
Twelve deaths occurred in 1962 from this cause. All except 3
died at home. Ages and sexes were:-
Pemale: 65, 65, 72, 73, 73, 75, 76, 86, 86
Male: 10, 70, 76

In order to put these and other deaths in proper perspective, the following comparison is made: -

Cause of Death19621961
(b)Motor Vehicle accidents1513
(c)All other accidents1913
(d)Accidents in the home (included in line (c)126

Contributed by Mr. A.J. Dechant, Manager of the Local Employment
1. Insured population of the Boroughs of Walthamstow, Leyton,
Chingford, Wanstead and Woodford:-
Approximately 47,800 men and 37,700 women.
2. Insured population of the borough of Walthamstow:-
Approximately 20,700 men and 14,850 women.
3. The number of persons placed in employment in the whole area
during 1962:-
Approximately 3,000 men and 1,500 women.
These figures include approximately:-
219 disabled men and 64 disabled women.
4. The average number of persons unemployed in the whole area
during 1962:-
1,000 men 200 women.
These figures include approximately
100 disabled men 20 disabled women.