London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Walthamstow 1950

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Walthamstow]

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(b) Unsuitable housing accommodation, e.g., overcrowding on
standards of Housing Act, 1936, especially if the Chest
Physician advises separate bedroom.
(c) Young children or adolescents in the family or in the
same house.
Class II.
Less urgent cases with two of any of the three conditions
(a), (b) and (c) mentioned above.
Class III.
Cases with one of conditions (a), (b) and (c).
Class IV.
Rehousing not urgent at time of consideration but for re'
consideration if any of the conditions alter.

Similar consideration is given to families with young children or adolescents living in the same house as a sputum case.

The position at the end of the year was as follows: —

On List Dec.Added duringRemoved from listOn List Dec.

The 70 cases now on the list have been given the following
Class 1:14; Class II : 20; Class III: 7; Class IV: 29.
Approximately 40 reviews were carried out in connection with
tuberculosis priority claims in cases already on the register.
Forty-three new cases— apart from the tuberculous— were
recorded as needing special investigation and report, and forty-eight
such cases— previously investigated— were reviewed.
A grand total of 205 cases were investigated during the year
in order to assess the medical claims and prevent duplication of
enquiries by the Housing Department from which the closest
co-operation has been received.