London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camden) 1895

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Giles District]

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The Analyst's Report, which will be found on page 62,
records the number of samples submitted for analysis
under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts and the Margarine
Act. A total of 318 samples were purchased and analysed.
Of these 28 were adulterated, but in 7 cases the adulteration
was not sufficient to justify any proceedings being
taken. In the other cases prosecutions ensued, and
fines and costs amounting in the whole to £29 3s. were
Underground Conveniences.
In the last Report reference was made to the contract
entered into with Messrs. C. W. Killingback and Co. for
the construction of a new underground Convenience at the
junction of New Oxford Street and Charing Cross Road.
The work was duly completed and the Convenience opened
on the 27th September, 1895. The following statement,
which was circulated on the occasion of the opening, gives
a brief description of the work:—
This Convenience for men and women has been constructed by the
Board under the provisions of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891,
beneath the public-way of New Oxford Street. The superficial area of
the Convenience is 1,500 feet. The depth from the level of the surface
of the roadway is 14 feet. The men's department is entered from a
refuge situate at the north end of Charing Cross Road, and contains 12
•closets, 14 urinals, and 3 lavatories. No charge is made for the use of
urinals, but for the water-closets the usual charge of a 1d. for each
person is made, and for the lavatories 2d. for each person, including hot
water and use of a clean towel. The women's department is approached
from a staircase leading from the public footway, to avoid the necessity
of crossing the carriage-way, and in it there are 6 closets and 3
lavatories. One of these closets may be used free of charge, for the
others 1d. is charged, and for the lavatory 2d. for each person, with hot
water and use of clean towel. The work has been designed and
executed in accordance with drawings and specifications prepared by
Mr. George Wallace, C.E., Engineer to the Board. The contractors