London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kingston upon Thames 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]

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Seventeen complaints were received in respect of rat
infested premises during the past year. It is to be hoped
that these complaints indicate a greater interest on the part
of the public in the need for the eradication of this expensive
vermin. The accumulative damage and loss occasioned by
rats is not generally recognised, and no effort should be
spared to destroy them.
After careful consideration it was decided not to hold
a special Rat Week in the Borough during 1937, but activity
in connection with this important matter was continued
throughout the year.
As must be expected in a Borough as old as this, rats
are known to exist in certain of the sewers. These sewers
were baited with rat poison periodically with very satisfactory
results, large numbers of carcases being observed
at the sewer outfall at the Sewage works. In addition to
this work, rat extermination was proceeded with at the
Refuse Tip, and during the year no less than 474 rats were
destroyed on the Tip. The occupiers of infested property
are given every assistance and advice regarding rat
destruction, but it is to be regretted that neighbours so often
decline to co-operate one with another in this object.
I desire to thank you, Mr. Chairman, and the
Members of the Public Health Committee and Corporation
generally, for your continued consideration and support,
and your other Officers who have afforded me assistance
and information whenever required.
I am, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
HAROLD T. PERRY, f.s.i.a., m.r.s.i.,
Chief Sanitary Inspector.
May, 1938.