London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kingston upon Thames 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]

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1 Carcase & organs Tuberculosis „ „ „
2 Heads & Tongue „ „ „
1 Head & Tongue Actinomycosis „ „ „
5 pairs Lungs Tuberculosis „ „ „
1 pair Lungs Parasitic „ „ „
3 Livers Distomatosis
401bs. Ox Kidney Putrefaction Voluntarily surrendered.
51bs. Ox Liver „ „ „
6291bs. Beef „ „ „
401bs. Beef. Injury „
41bs. Beef Necrosis „ „
121bs. Fat Putrefaction „ „
1 Tin Corned Beef „ „ „
3 Carcases & organs Tuberculosis Inspected & Condemned
2 Plucks it „ „ „ „
1 Carcase & organs Emaciation „ „ „
1 Liver Abscess „ „ „
10 Livers Distomatosis „ „ „
7 pairs Lungs Strongylus Rufescens „ „ „
1431bs. Livers Putrefaction Voluntarily surrendered.
271bs. Mutton „ „ „
291bs. Kidneys „ „ „
6 boxes Cod Fillets Putrefaction „ „
761bs. Prawns „ „ „
On December 31st, 1933, there were four private
slaughterhouses in the Borough, all of which had been in
use during the year. The premises situated in Acre Road
which were purchased by the Corporation during 1932 were
not used after December 31st of that year.
The slaughterhouses are situated as follows :—
Adjoining No. 76, Cambridge Road.
No. 45, Cambridge Grove Road.
No. 120, London Road.
Rear of No. 34 Richmond Road,