London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kingston upon Thames 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]

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The Kingston and District Hospital (Board of
Arrangements are made whereby Wimbledon, Molesey
and Hamilton Isolation Hospitals accept cases occurring in
the Borough, and payment is made for the maintenance of
patients by the Corporation.
The Surrey Smallpox Hospital, East Clandon, Surrey,
is subsidised by the Council.
No case of Smallpox has occurred in the Borough during
the year.
Other Hospitals situated in the Borough available for
the District are:—
(a) The Kingston and District Hospital (Board of
(b) The Kingston Victoria Hospital, supported by
voluntary contributions.
Institutional Provision for Unmarried Mothers Illegitimate
Infants, and Homeless Children.
Within the District provision is made at the Union
Infirmary (Kingston and District Hospital).
There is a Hostel at Epsom to which cases from the
Borough can be admitted on payment.
The local branch Shelter of the Kingston, Surbiton, and
District Voluntary Society, which is affiliated to the Southwark
Diocesan Association for Rescue and Preventive Work,
is situated at No. 45, Fairfield South.
Ambulance Facilities.
(a) For infectious cases :
Those cases removed to Wimbledon. or Molesey Isolation
Hospitals are transported by the Motor Ambulances
attached to these Hospitals.
Cases to Hampton Isolation Hospital are removed by
your own Motor Ambulance for infectious diseases.