London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kingston upon Thames 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]

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A considerable amount of time is taken up with clerical
routine, interviews with owners of property and other administrative
work which does not call for detailed comment
in a brief report.
The following is the total number of Inspections made
in regard to each section of the work, together with a
Summary of Sanitary Improvements executed:—
Rent Restrictions Act Inspections 10
Re-inspections after Order or Notice 1,973
Visits to Works in Progress 886
Factories and Workshops 36
Cowsheds, Dairies and Milkshops (excluding inspections
by Medical Officer of Health and Veterinary
Inspector) 55
Ice Cream Premises 16
Foodshops and Food Preparing Rooms 452
Infectious Disease Inquiries 258
Markets 59
Special Inspections (Complaints, etc.) 1,307
Slaughter-houses 987
Offensive Trades 12
Sanitary Conveniences 86
Common Lodging-Houses 23
Canal Boats 4
Theatres, Cinemas, etc. 20
House-to-House 16
Bakehouses 13
Smoke Observations 20
Stables and Yards 61
Miscellaneous Visits 246
Total number of Inspections 6540
Number of Houses and Premises re-drained 31
Number of Drains repaired or amended 7
Drains or Gullies unstopped or cleansed 44
Manholes provided 65