London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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East Ham 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for East Ham]

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10. Physical Training.
Physical training; has been continued on similar lines to those
quoted in previous reports, and instruction in swimming has been
conducted as heretofore.
11. Provision of Meals.
During the year 203,105 meals were provided for children,
as compared with 224,350 in 1933.
A great deal of consideration has been given to the preparation
and service of school dinners and many important improvements
have been recommended by the Children's Care and Welfare
Perhaps the most important feature in this respect was the
decision to amplify the menus in order to ensure greater variety
in the meals provided. It was also suggested that official recipes
should be issued for the purpose of maintaining a uniform quality
of the cooked food at each dining centre, and that the order of
the menus should be varied to deal with the cases of children
who stay away from the dining room when an unpopular dinner
is expected to be served.
The following menus and lists of quantities were approved
and adopted by the Education Committee, the revised dietary
consisting of eleven menus so arranged as to avoid the repetition
of a meal on an}' particular day of the week.