London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich]

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The Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods)
No. 1 Order, 1932 Butter.
The Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods)
No. 3 Order, 1934 Bacon and Ham.
The Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods)
No. 5 Order, 1934 Dead Poultry.
The Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods)
No. 6 Order, 1934 Maize Starch.
The Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods)
No. 7 Order, 1934 Meat.
These Orders prohibit the sale, or exposure for sale, respectively, in the United
Kingdom, of the products mentioned above, unless the goods bear an indication
of the country of origin. The term "sale" includes sale, wholesale, or sale by
retail; and exposure for sale includes exposure for sale, wholesale, and exposure
for sale by retail. As a general rule imported produce does not require marking
when sold in quantities not exceeding 14 lbs. in weight.
Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Acts.—These Acts empower
the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries to make Orders for the grading and marking
of agricultural produce. One mark—the National Mark—is used, or will be used,
for all graded produce of England and Wales, and by law it conveys a guarantee
that the produce is of the grade stated. It is not compulsory for all such food stuffs
to be so marked, but, if marked, they must conform to the standard.
In London the local authority is the Metropolitan Borough Council concerned,
and in Woolwich the Medical Officer of Health, the Chief Sanitary Inspector and
three Sanitary Inspectors have been appointed Officers under the Act.
1 he following is a list of products regarding which Regulations were in force
on the 31st December, 1934:—
Date of Regulations. Produce.
1929 Potatoes.
1930 Eggs; Glass-house grown Tomatoes and Cucumbers ;
Strawberries; Cherries.
1931 Beef.
1932 Cider; Bottled Vegetables ; Plums.
1933 Apples; Wheat Flour; Malt Extract and Malt
Flour; Dressed Poultry; Bottled Fruits; Cabbage
Lettuce; Blackcurrants; Gooseberries; Loganberries;
Raspberries; Red Currants; Cheshire
Cheese; Green Peas; Brussels Sprouts; Celery;