London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich]

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All fish must be thoroughly gutted and cleansed before
being fried.
By-law 8 requires the provision of sufficient receptacles,
of galvanised iron or other suitable material, with close
fitting covers, for receiving and conveying away from
the premises all fish skins, garbage, and other refuse
produced in the business. Such refuse must be placed in
the receptacles immediately upon its production, and must
be removed from the premises at least once every 24
hours. The receptacles must be thoroughly cleansed at
least once in every 24 hours, and the external surfaces
must be at all times maintained in a cleanly condition.
A vendor of fried fish must maintain the floor, wall
surfaces, and ceiling of the business premises, and all
apparatus and utensils, in proper order and repair. He
must also wash with hot lime, at least four times every
year, the surfaces of every wall and ceiling or inner
surfaces of the roof of the premises. The cleansing must
be carried out between the 1st and 10th days of the
months of March, June, September, and December.
Such cleansing, however, is not required if the surfaces
axe painted or varnished or oovered with hard, smooth,
impervious material.
By-law 11 prescribes the mode of construction of the
furnace. The exterior surface must be of hard, smooth,,
fireproof material, with side screens and a suitable hood.
The hood must be connected with a flue having a good
draught. The gas or vapour must either be discharged
into the external air at such a height as to be diffused
without injurious effect, or pass through a fire, or condensing
apparatus so as to consume the gas or deprive
it of its injurious qualities.