London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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L.C.C. Areas already confirmed or declared.

1935 Shadwell Place 194Partly cleared. Building commenced.
Pennington Street 180„ „ „
Chicksand Street 193Cleared. Partly developed.
Pedley St. (part in Stepney) 20
1936 Waley Street, No.2 8Clearance Area only.
James St. (part in Stepney) 4
Malay Street 128Partly cleared.
1937 Ocean Street 729
Phoebe St. (part in Stepney) 274Small portion cleared.
Christian Street 270Partly cleared.
1938 Umberston Street 292
Solander Street 99

Note.—This figure, 2,391 houses (less those already dealt with) to be
cleared, will represent a much larger number of flats to be provided,
as the number of families will far exceed the number of houses. The
L.C.C. have, therefore, a very large building programme before them
to complete the rehousing of areas already in hand. The L.C.C. are
able to rehouse a certain number of families outside the borough as
will be seen by the reports on overcrowding and underground rooms
on pages 54 and 55.
Having regard to the large and urgent demand for accommodation for
rehousing from slum clearance areas, it is evident that it will take some considerable
time to complete the task of dealing with overcrowding and underground
rooms other than those included in such areas.
There are other factors which may ultimately affect the problem. Of
these, the yearly reduction in population and the question of the location of
industry have to be borne in mind. The latter is receiving considerable
attention at the present time. The affect of the above factors in reducing
the population may in time be counteracted in other ways. There are many
families now living outside the Borough though working locally, who are
doing so at considerable sacrifice and who are naturally anxious to reside
locally as soon as the housing conditions make this possible.
With the improvement of local housing and environmental conditions
therefore, the population of the borough will tend to become stabilized and
may even increase.
We are building and planning for the future, and the ultimate aim is to
attain the standard set out in the Housing Act, when every occupier and his
family will have a house suitable to their needs and means, with security of
tenure and reasonable proximity to the place of employment.