London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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2. Cream sold as preserved cream:—

(a) Correct statements made19
Statement incorrect1
No label on carton1

One informal sample, L 74, contained 0.47 per cent, boric acid. A
further sample taken formally from the same vendor was genuine.
(b) Determinations of milk fat in cream sold as preserved cream : —
Above 35 per cent. 21
Below 35 per cent. —
(c) Instances where (apart from analysis) the requirements as to
labelling or declaration of preserved cream had not been
A 60 (Informal). The carton was not labelled with the
statutory label.
L 57 (Informal). The carton was correctly labelled; the
sample was also described as "Thick Rich Cream," the
word "Preserved" being omitted.
D 55. The carton was correctly labelled; the bulk receptacle
was unlabelled. Vendor cautioned.
Offences other than Adulteration.
Margarine.—In 12 cases the vendors had not complied with the requirements
of the Butter and Margarine Acts with regard to labelling; 8.6 per cent,
of the samples were unsatisfactory in this respect.
The 12 samples consisted of 3 informal and 9 formal samples. Proceedings
were taken in 5 cases, and in 4 cases the vendors were cautioned.
D 9. Improperly labelled. Vendor paid 7/6d. costs.
G 29. Unstamped wrapper. Vendor fined 6/-.
D 88. Improperly printed wrapper. Vendor fined 6/-.
D 89. Improperly printed wrapper. Vendor fined 6/-.
N 63. Unstamped wrapper. Vendor paid 10/- costs.
Preserved Cream.—In 3 cases the requirements as to labelling or declaration
of preserved cream had not been observed.
A 60 (Informal). The carton was not labelled with the statutory