London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Luke 1898

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Luke, Middlesex]

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such materials, size, &c., as the Vestry may direct. This
Section applies to a stable, which is a " building," but it
does not itself provide how the duty created by it is to be
enforced. Section 76 provides that, before beginning to
erect any building, seven days' notice shall be given to the
Vestry, who are required within seven days (or fifteen days,
if advantage is taken of 25 and 26 Vic., Cay. 102, Sec. 63),
to make their order in relation to the details of the drain.
If the Vestry make an order, it may be enforced under the
Section, but, if they do not, Section 76 does not apply,
and recourse must be had to Section 73, which enables the
Vestry to require a drain to be provided for any building
which has no drain, and enables the Vestry to prescribe
the details of the construction of the drain.
Question 2.—Having regard to the fact that Mr. Allen's stabling
is now nearly finished, and fit for occupation, and no
drainage has been effected, what course it would be desirable
for the Vestry to take, having regard to the provisions
of Section 76 of the same Act?
Answer.—The answer to this question depends upon whether
the Vestry did or did not notify to Mr. Allen, within the
prescribed time, their order under Section 76. If they did
not, they cannot proceed under that Section; if they did,
they have a remedy under the Section; or they may proceed
for penalties under 25 and 26 Vic., Cap. 102, Sec. 64.
But, in any case, as already stated, they may take proceedings
under Section 73. I could advise more definitely
as to the course to be followed if I were informed
precisely of what the Vestry have already done.
Question 3.—Are not the Vestry correct in the view that the
Bye-laws can only be enforced when the buildings are
used as stabling?
Answer.—I think the Vestry are right in the view they take of
the Bye-laws. Until the buildings are actually used for
the keeping of horses the Bye-laws cannot apply. But as
soon as the stables are used the Vestry may enforce the
Bye-laws by proceeding for penalties thereunder.
Disinfection of Infected Articles.
Dr. Thresh's Current Steam Disinfector continues to act very
isfactorily, the number of articles disinfected by it during the