London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1931

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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Acute Influenzal Pneumonia 40
Acute Poliomyelitis 40
Acute Primary Pneumonia 40
Ambulance facilities 11
Ante-natal Clinics 121
Ante-natal Consultative Centres 125
Area 2
Artificial Sunlight Clinic 114
Bacteriological examinations 46
Bakehouses 57
Birth-rates 13
Births in sub-districts 13
Breast Feeding Clinic 115
Brunswick Day Nursery 133
Butchers' Shops 56
Cancer 23
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis 39
Condensed Milk Regulations 63
Consultants 122
Convalescence 119
Cookshops and Eating-houses 57
Cowhouses 56
Day Nursery 139
Death rate 15
Deaths—ages at 18
Deaths—causes of 18
Deaths in Outlying Institutions 16
Deaths in Public Institutions 19
Deaths in sub-districts 15
Dental Hospital 93
Dental Hospital—Orthodontic 93
Dental Hospital, Scale of Charges
(treatment) 96
Diarrhoea 44
Dining Centres 117
Diphtheria 33
Disinfection 47
Dried Milk Regulations 63
Dysentery 36
Encephalitis Lethargica 39
Enteric fevers 35
Erysipelas 36
Factory and Workshop Act 64
Food and Drugs Acts 58
Fried Fish Shops 57
Fur Skin Dressers 53
Hairdressers 55
Health Week 146
Holland Tour 136
Home Helps 123
Home Visiting 110
Housing conditions 103
Hospitals 7
House refuse 12
Houses let in lodgings 52
Ice Cream Shops 57
Infantile Mortality 20
Infant Welfare Centres 1ll
Infectious cases, number certified 26
Infectious cases, number removed to
hospitals 26
Infectious diseases, age periods 26
Infectious diseases and schools 45
Infectious diseases, deaths from 26
Influenza 44
Inhabited houses 52
Laundry 139
Legal Proceedings 69
Local Government Act, 1929 132
L.C.C. (General Powers) Act, 1928—
Sec. 28 54
Marriage-rate 14
Marriages 14
Maternal care 121
Maternal mortality 21
Maternity and Child Welfare 110
Maternity Outfits 122
Measles 41
Meat Regulations, 1924 56
Medical Mission of Good Shepherd 136
Merchandise Marks Act, 1926 63
Milk Allowances 118
Milk and Cream Regulations, 1912 63
Milk and Dairies Order, 1926 57
Milk (Special Designations) Order,
1923 62
Ministry of Health Memorandum
156/M.C.W 131
Mortuary 17
Municipal Midwife 125
Nursing in the home 45
Ophthalmia Neonatorum 38
Ottorrhœa Clinic 115
Outworkers 66
Overcrowding 53 & 107
Population 13
Public Health (Prevention of Tuberculosis)
Regulations, 1925 56
Puerperal Fever 36
Puerperal pyrexia 38