London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Edmonton 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Edmonton]

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There are electrical connections with Enfield Town, Waltham Cross,
Ponders End, Stamford Hill and Finsbury Park, whence connection can be
made with trains, trams, or omnibuses to all parts of London and suburbs.
Halfpenny fares, after the initial penny stage, have been now introduced,
and a rate for parcels.
The main roads have a total length of 4 miles 112 yards, and the
subsidised roads "A" 2 miles, 2 furlongs, and 158 yards.
During 1912 the main road widenings consequent upon the installation
of electric tramcars have made progress, but even at the esnd of
the year some few had not been completed. However, the waste land
at the front of The Crescent, Hertford Road, has been reclaimed, and,
after a reconstitution of a good footway, the remainder has been handed
over to the tenants as front gardens. I should like to have seen
a public garden there. The widening of Fore Street, near the Tottenham
Boundary, is completed on both sides, and the Congregational Sunday
School is now in open view of the passer-by.
There is a modern one at the important junction of Angel Road and
Fore Street. By-laws with reference to these buildings were approved
by the Local Government Board on 23rd January, 1909.
Sanitary Convenience on the Green.—In October
the Engineer presented to the Works Committee a plan for this building,
showing on the women's side four closets and an attendant's room, and
on the men's side four closets and nine urinals. The Local Government
Board had already sanctioned a loan of £1,300 for a building intended
to be placed on the Green, facing Balham Road, but as the site now
chosen was different, it was found necessary to hold another Local
Government Board Enquiry. The Engineer pointed out that it was not
possible to place the convenience underground.
On the 6th, November, 1912, I brought the subject of the accommodation
and fittings of the convenience before my Sanitary Committee, as
they had dealt with these matters in connection with the convenience at
Angel Road, but on this occasion the Committee declined to consider
the subject.
These were opened in 1903, the cost being £28,245. (This amount
included the cost of the new Council Chamber, Mortuary, Stores, and
Offices.) There are no public wash-houses in connection with the baths.