London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Edmonton 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Edmonton]

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Nervous System.
There was a history of epileptic fits among nine children (2.2 per
cent.), seven boys (3.1 per cent.) and two girls (1.1 per cent.). The date
of the last fit varied from two months before inspection to six years.
Frequent headaches were complained of by eleven children, five boys
and six girls. In seven of these cases the headaches were associated with
defective vision, and in three cases with enlarged tonsils. Three children
in addition, all boys, were subject to attacks of migraine, or sick headache.
Night terrors were complained of by four children, three boys and
one girl, all infants, except the girl of ten. Two of these cases were
associated with the presence of adenoids.
There was a history of rickets with 18 children, evidence of rickets
with 3 children, and both history and evidence with 2 children, making
a total of 23 children with past rickets. The percentage was 0.6 per
cent. for boys and 0.5 per cent. for girls.
Other Defects.
SPINE.—Lateral curvature to a slight extent was present in ninechildren,
two boys and seven girls. The two boys were aged 10 and 13
respectively. One of the girls was 8 years of age, four were 10 years of
age, one was 11, and one was 13. There was in addition a boy of 13 with
very marked lateral curvature of the spine and kyphosis.
Talipes varus was present in two children, girls of five. Six
children, three boys and three girls, had knock-knee, and two boys were
Pour children, all boys, were afflicted with deformities, the result
of infantile paralysis.
One child, a boy, who had had a mastoid operation, had facial
paralysis. In another boy the pectoralis major muscle of one side was
There was a history of past inguinal hernia with eleven children,
all boys. Of these, three had been cured by a truss, and eight by
The number of children found at medical inspection to be suffering
from inguinal hernia was seven, six boys and one girl. Of these seven
cases, four were right inguinal, two left inguinal, and one double inguinal