London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1939

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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2 (a) No. of dwelling-houses (included under
sub-head 1 (a) (above) which were
inspected and recorded under the
Housing Consolidated Regulations,
1925-1932 119
(b) No. of inspections made for the purpose 579
3 No. of dwelling-houses found to he in a
state so dangerous to health as to be
unfit for human habitation
(*Through voluntary action, 1 closed,
1 rendered fit and 1 demolished).
4 No. of dwelling-houses (exclusive of
those under preceding sub-head)
found not to be in all respects
reasonably fit for human habitation 641
II. Remedy of Defects during the year without
Service of Formal Notices.
Number of defective houses rendered fit
in consequence of informal action 581
III. Housing Act, 1936, Part IV. Overcrowding.
1 (a) No. of dwelling-houses overcrowded at
end of year 68
(b) ,, families dwelling therein 78
(c) ,, persons ,, ,, 456
2 (a) ,, new cases of overcrowding
reported during the year 1
3 (a) ,, cases of overcrowding relieved
during the year 15
(b) ,, persons concerned in such cases 93