London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wood Green 1919

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wood Green]

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Arrangements were made during the year for the dental treatment
of expectant, nursing mothers, and children under 5 years
of age.
As an experiment, we were enabled, through the courtesy of
the Education Committee, to utilise the School Dental Clinic for
this purpose, and to obtain the services of the School Dental
We have not been quite so successful as one could have wished
in persuading the women to have dental treatment, but useful
work has been done, and I trust that in the future this will grow.
Dentures have been supplied at a reduced rate, and in one
or two eases free, on the recommendation of the Maternity and
Child Welfare Committee.
The numbers dealt with have been as follows:—
New Dentures Provided 8
Extractions 170
Fillings, Scalings, etc. 8
We have made arrangements with the Edmonton Board of
Guardians for lying-in accommodation, normal as well as abnormal,
iu the Special Ward which they have opened for Council cases.
This Ward is quite separate and distinct from the Poor Law
administration, with entirely separate entrance, and only Council
oases are admitted upon payment by the Councils concerned,