London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southgate 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southgate]

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are reserved for the exclusive use of Friern Barnet patients, in
consideration of an annual payment by the Friern Barnet Council
of £360, and in addition Is. a day for each patient in respect of
the patient's maintenance.
The greatest number of Friern Barnet patients in the
Hospital at one time was 7, in October, November and December.
In no other month did the number exceed 5. The daily average
for the year was 3.6.
Return of the Metropolitan Asylums Board.—
During the past year 5,162 case3 were admitted into this
Hospital, situated at Winchmore Hill ; of these, 3,354 were
Scarlet Fever, 524 Diphtheria, 564 Measles, 6 Whooping Cough'
709 Phthisis, and 5 other diseases.
There were 54 deaths—3 from Scarlet Fever, 50 from
Phthisis, and 1 from Cancer.
Sewerage and Sewage Disposal.—The District is
drained by the dual system. The surface-water sewers discharge
at convenient points into the nearest watercourses, and as the
fields adjoining the smaller courses become converted into
building land, suitable sewers and culverts are provided. Where
possible and necessary the surface-water sewers are laid at such
depths as will enable the subsoil under cellars and basements to
be drained and connected therewith, thus ensuring dry dwellings
and avoiding any accumulations of stagnant water inside or
beneath any dwelling-house.
The main sewage sewers traverse as much as possible the
natural valleys, and run from the higher lands on the west
towards the east, where they are joined to the sewers of the
Edmonton District at three points along the boundary between
the Southgate and Edmonton Districts. By the Edmonton
Local Board Separation Act, 1881, by which Southgate became
a separate District, the Edmonton District is required to receive,