London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Leyton 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Leyton]

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(c) Proceedings under Sections 19 and 21 of the
Housing Act, 1930:—
(1) Number of dwelling-houses in respect of
which demolition orders were made 19
(2) Number of dwelling-houses demolished in
pursuance of demolition orders 14
(d) Proceedings under Section 20 of the Housing
Act, 1930:—
(1) Number of separate tenements or underground
rooms in respect of which Closing
Orders were made Nil
(2) Number of separate tenements or underground
rooms in respect of which Closing
Orders were determined, the tenement or
room having been rendered fit Nil
IV.—Housing Act, 1935. Overcrowding:—
(а) (1) Number of dwellinghouses overcrowded at
the end of the year 558
(2) Number of families dwelling therein 597
(3) Number of persons dwelling therein—
Adults 3,181
Children 753
(b) Number of new cases of overcrowding reported
during the year 548
(c) (1) Number of cases of overcrowding relieved
during the year Nil
(2) Number of persons concerned in such cases Nil
In accordance with the provisions of the Housing Act, 1930,
the Local Sanitary Authority—acting on official representations
made by the Medical Officer of Health—has continued to deal with
the demolition and clearance of existing slum property in the area.
Scheduled in 1935 and Demolished in 1936.
99 and 101, Church Road.
24 and 26, Grange Road.
29, Holloway Road.
74, Lea Bridge Gardens.