London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Leyton 1920

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Leyton]

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of the
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I beg to present the Thirteenth Annual Report of the School
Medical Service in Leyton under the Education (Administrative
Provisions) Act of 1907.
In consequence of our being unable to commence routine
inspections in the Schools before the beginning of May, when
Dr. Nicoll took up his duties, it was possible to examine only two
groups—"Entrants" and "Leavers."
During 1921, with Dr. Martin working whole time and Dr.
Kennedy three sessions per week, I hope to be able to examine
the "Intermediate" Group in addition to the "Entrants,"
"Leavers," and "Specials" as required by the Board of Education.
The additional work done in the Dental Department through
the appointment of Mr. Horton, who commenced his duties in
May, is shown by the number of children treated in 1920, which
was 3,287, whereas in 1919 it was 2,396.
The employment of the Oculist for two sessions per week
instead of one was instituted in 1921, and therefore the additional
work done in this section will be shown in next year's report.
I take this opportunity to thank all those with whom I have
worked, both members and officials, for their courtesy and help.
I am,
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,