London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon RDC]

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Causes of
The County Medical Officer has again kindly sent me a
list of 13 people who died in public institutions outside the
District, while there were three deaths in the Bushey Heath
Hospital, which Dr. Gruggen kindly notified to me. There
were no deaths of non-residents.
The corrected number of deaths after adding the sixteen
deaths of residents occurring outside the district is 94, which
gives a death-rate of 6.29.
Diseases of the respiratory organs caused 23 deaths,
namely:—Phthisis, 11; Bronchitis, 9; Pneumonia, 2;
Pleurisy, 1. Last year there were 10 deaths from Phthisis,
10 from Bronchitis, and 4 from Pneumonia. There were no
deaths from any of the Zymotic Diseases.
Cancer caused 11 deaths, the age and the sex being:—
Male: 51, 70, 68, 77=4.
Female: 77, 75, 71, 64, 54, 45, 80 = 7.
Last year there were three male and seven female.
The number of deaths of infants under one year still
remains satisfactorily low, the number registered this year
being only 11. In 1908 and 1909 the numbers were 20 and 9,
respectively. The death-rate this year is 40.7 as against
37.5 last year, and 79.6 in 1908.
There was not a single death under this heading, a fact
which speaks very highly for the sanitary condition of the