London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]

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form and these are being distributed to the hairdressers and barbers in the Borough.
Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949
Rodent Control
Rodent control in dwelling houses and business premises is carried out by a
foreman, three whole-time and one part-time operatives working under the supervision
of the District Public Health Inspectors and in accordance with recommendations of
the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries & Food. Hie foreman and operatives attend refresher
courses arranged by the Ministry from time to time to ensure that they are
properly aware of the latest methods, and poisons, etc. in use.
Treatment of sewers is carried out by the Borough Engineer & Surveyor's Department.
In the case of dwelling-houses, treatment is undertaken by the Council free of
charge. In the case of business premises a charge based upon time, cost of materials
and overhead expenses, is made. An estimate of the cost is prepared and submitted to
the occupier of the business premises and it is open to him to either accept it,
engage a private specialist firm or undertake the work himself. Almost invariably the
Council's estimate is accepted. Should an occupier elect to do the work himself, the
District Public Health Inspector ensures that the treatment is successfully carried
In a number of cases it was necessary to have accumulations of rubbish removed,
gardens or land cleared of excessive growth or buildings rendered rat-proof. In all
cases the work was carried out as a result of representations made by the Public
Health Inspectors without recourse to statutory action.
A report on the work carried out during the year, as submitted to the Ministry
of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, is given in the following table.