London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]

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Applied for 87
Served under Public Health Acts, etc. 36
Outstanding from 1943 4
Complied with 39
Outstanding froa 1944 1
One summons applied for against Owner for non-compliance with
Abateaent Notice. Order made for work to bo done in 28 days and two
guineas costs awarded against Owner.
Treatment of verminous houses.
The following houses were successfully treated:-
Privately-owned 35
Council Houses 4
Inspections were made of furniture and bedding and rooms in the
occupation of tenants before their removal into Council houses and disin-
festation was performed where necessary.
Work of disinfestation is done by the Local Authority and where
verainous conditions were discovered, these cases were followed up after
Number of inspections 343
Notices served to remedy defects 33
Notices complied with 27
Matters notified by H.M. Inspector
of Factories 28
Lists of Outworkers received 31
Outworkers premises inspected 36
Nature of defects rcaedied at Factories:-
Sanitary Accommodation.
Insufficient 3
Unsuitable or defective 12
Improperly ventilated or
unventilated 11
Want of cleanliness 14-
Inadequate ventilation 3
Inadequate lighting 5
Other offences 18
Swimming Pools.
At the Council's swimming pools the water is treated by modern
purification and filtration plant. These for chlorine content are made daily.