London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1915

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]

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Of the 1052 births belonging to Hendon, 528 were boys
and 524 girls, producing a birth-rate of 21.23 per 1,000 of
the population.
Last year the births numbered 1,143, giving a birth-rate
of 24.12 per 1,000.
There has been a decrease of 91 births, as compared with
last year. The excess of births over deaths is 562.
The decline in the birth-rats must be cxpected owing to
the altered conditions during the war.
The Births occurred in the following districts:—
Mill Hill 95 Golders Green and
Burnt Oak 33 Temple Fortune 203
Central Hendon 156 Child's Hill and
West Hendon 277 Cricklewood 264
Registered outside 24.
Thirty-seven illegitimate children were bom, viz.:—
Mill Hill 3 Golders Green and
Burnt Oak 1 Temple Fortune 4
Central Hendon 3 Child's Hill and
West Hendon 9 Cricklewood 9
Outside the district, 8.