London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hayes and Harlington 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hayes]

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At the beginning of the year there were 14 known cases of
overcrowding. During the year ten new cases were discovered
but four of them were abated before the end of the year. In
addition seven of the cases brought forward from the previous
year were also abated so that the number of known cases at the
end of the year was thirteen, i.e. one less than at the beginning.
For the first time coloured immigrants were found to be
involved in overcrowding and whilst the figures in the previous
paragraph show an extremely satisfactory position it is quite
clear that this new trend will need watching very carefully. It
will only be possible to maintain the present satisfactory position
by acting quickly and resolutely whenever overcrowding is
The average number of occupants for each inhabited house
in the district fell to 3.33, the lowest figure since 1938.
Certificates of Disrepair.
The following action was taken under the Rent Act, 1957,
in connection with Certificates of Disrepair:
Applications for Certificates of Disrepair (Form I) 10
Landlords notified of proposals to issue a
Certificate of Disrepair (Form J) 11
Undertakings given by Landlords to remedy defects
(Form K) 6
Undertakings by Landlords not accepted
Certificates of Disrepair issued (Form L) 4
Applications for cancellation of Certificates of
Disrepair (Form M) 4
Applications for cancellation of Certificates of
Disrepair refused (Form R.C.3) 1
Certificates of Disrepair cancelled (Form R.C. 2) 2
Applications by Landlord or tenant for Certificate
as to the remedying of Defects which Landlord
has undertaken to remedy (Form 0) 9
Certificates issued as to the Remedying of Defects
specified in a Landlord's Undertaking to remedy
Defects (Form P) 6