London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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F (5) Sale of Horseflesh
In the early part of the year, a purveyor of horseflesh
intimated his intention of retailing this commodity from a shop
in Northumberland Heath, for the purpose of which the premises
were re-constructed and amended so as to comply with
Sections 13 and 38, Food and Drugs Act, 1938. At the commencement
of this venture, horseflesh had a ready sale amongst
residents in this area, but having regard to all the circumstances,
it would appear that the sale of horseflesh was not a good
economic proposition, as a result of which this business
ceased after a ten weeks' existence. The premises are now
used for the sale of confectionery.
F (6) Slaughter of Animals Act, 1933
The above Act makes the use of mechanically operated
instruments a statutory obligation. By resolution of the
Council dated 23rd May, 1938, the provisions of Section 1
of the Act apply to sheep which are slaughtered in the district.
F (7) Food Hygiene Activities
(1) The Health Exhibition held in April afforded an
admirable opportunity for furthering the cause of food hygiene,
and the Catering Department's model restaurant evoked
considerable interest. The display of live rodents successfully
demonstrated the importance of food protection, whilst food
deterioration was indicated by the desplay of various unsound
(2) More plentiful supply of paper and relaxation of control
resulted in a large model bakery establishing the practice
of wrapping bread. For this purpose certain plant has been
reconditioned, and 10,000 loaves daily are enveloped in wax
wrappers, prior to distribution to many towns in South-East
F (8) Food Hygiene and Health Exhibition
This exhibition was held at Electricity House during the
period 25th to 30th April, and was a successful venture from
the point of view of health education. It is estimated that
some 5,500 people visited the exhibition inclusive of 277
schoolchildren who attended in organised parties, and it is
evident from the questions which were asked by members of
the public that the lessons demonstrated during the week will
be of much benefit in furthering the Council's objects for the
fostering of health in the broadest sense. The willing cooperation
of the various organisations which participated in
this event is much appreciated.