Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]
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To cleanse and remedy insanitary urinals | 2 |
To remove foul accumulations | 27 |
To prevent overcrowding | 5 |
Animals, fowls, etc., so kept as to be a nuisance | 20 |
To cleanse dwelling houses | 12 |
612 | |
168 complaints were received during the year, as compared with 141 in the previous year. Each complaint was investigated, and the list shows the nature of the nuisances found:— | |
Defective and choked drains | 60 |
Insanitary urinals | 3 |
Dirty houses | 13 |
Damp and dilapidated premises | 24 |
Re water supply | 8 |
Overcrowding of premises | 5 |
Back yards in bad state of repair | 4 |
House refuse not collected | 18 |
Accumulation of filth, etc | 15 |
Animals improperly kept | 10 |
Re caravan dwellers | 8 |
168 | |
Number of cases enquired into | 412 |
Number of cases removed to Sanatorium | 256 |
Number of cases removed to Bow Arrow Hospital | 2 |
Number of cases removed to Joyce Green Hospital | 18 |
Number of houses disinfected | 330 |
The following were surrendered to me as unfit for human consumption:—1 case of Skate, 1 bag of Mussles, 1 bag of Winkles, 5 boxes of Kippers, 2 boxes of Bloaters, 1 box of Mackerel. | |
No Tuberculous Meat was detected during the year. | |
Number of cesspools emptied | 401 |
Number of loads of house refuse removed | 7530 |