Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]
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The following tables have been prepared by the Inspector of Nuisances, and summarise the matters dealt with during the year:—
Houses visited for the detection of nuisances | 720 |
Houses inspected under the Housing and Town Planning Act | 964 |
Slaughterhouses | 97 |
Cowsheds, dairies and milkshops | 41 |
Workshops | 53 |
Outworkers' premises | 6 |
Bakehouses | 31 |
Offensive trades | 38 |
Vans, tents and sheds used for human habitation | 87 |
Complaints enquired into | 168 |
Nuisances detected | 612 |
Preliminary notices served to abate nuisances | 323 |
Statutory notices served to abate nuisances | 51 |
Nuisances abated | 581 |
Notices issued in respect of vans, tents and sheds | 14 |
Notices complied with | 14 |
Notices issued under the Dairies, Cowsheds and Milkshops Order | 5 |
Notices complied with | 5 |
Notices issued under the Factory and Workshops Act | 4 |
Notices complied with | 4 |
Notices issued to provide proper receptacles for house refuse | 126 |
Notices complied with | 112 |
Notices issued to properly pave and drain yards | 24 |
Notices complied with | 15 |
Number of prosecutions | 7 |
Showing the number and nature of the nuisances dealt with during the year by notices served under the Public Health Acts:— | |
Defective and choked drains | 227 |
To repair damp and dilapidated dwellings | 123 |
To pave yards | 24 |
To provide water to and repair w.c. cisterns | 35 |
To repair rainwater guttering and downpipes | 58 |
To remedy insanitary water cisterns for domestic use | 31 |
To repair scullery sinik wastes | 48 |