London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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The unsatisfactory sample of cake mixture was one which
was deficient in fat and an official caution was issued.
The two samples of fish which were unsatisfactory were two
sales of smoked cod for smoked haddock. In this case there was a
prosecution and the trader was fined £2 and ordered to pay 3
guineas costs.
The unsatisfactory sample of sausage meat was of pork sausage
which was 21 per cent. deficient in meat content. A butcher's
manager was prosecuted and fined £3 with £4 18s. Od. costs.
The eight samples of vinegar were cases of the passing off of
non-brewed condiment for vinegar and resulted in one prosecution
(fine £2 with 2 guineas costs) and the issue of official cautions to
four other traders.
In my report on the Clean and Safe Food Campaign in 1951
I expressed the view that the Campaign was only the beginning of
the Health Department's special efforts to establish and maintain
a high degree of food hygiene by the housewife, the trade and the
public generally.
Throughout the year the staff of the Health Department
have striven to ensure that the standards attained as a result of
the first Campaign were maintained and, where necessary, improved.
The sanitary inspectors paid 2,156 visits to 825 food premises
during the year, always taking the opportunity of emphasising
the need for constant awareness that particular care in the handling
of foodstuffs is essential to ensure " Clean and Safe Food."
A "Clean and Safe Food" Campaign, less extensive than the
previous year's Campaign was held during the week 19th to 24th
May 1952 and was directed primarily to secure the interest and cooperation
of the housewives.
During the week some 15,000 leaflets "Housewives, Remember
!," were distributed to shops and to each of the Public Libraries.
The leaflets were displayed in attractive holders inviting the public
to take one.