London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1971

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Blind Partially Sighted
In Residential Schools
In Day Schools

No blind children were ascertained during the year under review.
Partially Sighted
Two Croydon children were ascertained in this category and admitted
to St. Luke's School during the year, and another two pupils from outside
the Borough began attendance there. At present no child is waiting placement.
I am grateful to Miss J. Rundle for the following report of the work of
the school.
St. Luke's Special School for Partially Sighted Children
1971 was a year of steady progress and improvement. The building was
re-wired and there are now power sockets in all the rooms and corridors.
The lighting is very much better and is a great help to the children on dull
days. The school was re-decorated and is now much brighter and more
During the Spring Term the second classroom used by St. Christopher's
School for four years became available for the younger children. It was
equipped and furnished as an attractive infants' room. The teacher and
children have benefited from having their own room and equipment. New
desks were provided for the junior children. These were made to suit the
needs of the children and are proving very satisfactory.
An additional full-time teacher was appoi nted during the Autumn Term,
this increased teaching assistance has enabled the less able, also the
more intelligent children to have further individual attention which is so
essential for visually handicapped children.
One boy began attending Winterbourne Junior Boys' School. He has
settled down well and at present is able to cope in the ordinary school.The
Headmaster's help and interest is much appreciated and we are also grateful
to him for including the children in some of the activities of his school.
In the Autumn Term a group of junior children began French lessons at
the Winterbourne Language Centre. I am grateful to the Inspector, Miss
M. Samuel for arranging this; the children are very enthusiastic and have
made good progress.