London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Norman Smith, M.R.S.H. ,M.A.P.H.I.
Chief Public Health Inspector
I have the honour to submit to you my first Annual Report.
With the continued shortage of staff and the effect of recent
legislation the Department has been fully extended, but I
am satisfied that a good level of achievement has been demonstrated.
Details of the various aspects of the work are set out in
the Tables which follow, but I would refer to the new regulations
concerning Meat Inspection at the Abattoir which now require
that an Inspector shall be present at the time each animal
is slaughtered. This requires additional staff to be present,
and slaughtering is carried out each weekday and also on
Saturdays and Sundays, but despite this - 100 per cent meat
inspection has been maintained.
The Slum Clearance programme has and is being continued, and
some 192 houses in multiple occupation have been visited and
notices have been served calling for the provision of facilities,
fire precautions etc., and we await with interest the strengthening
of the law as contained in the Housing Bill at present before
The No. 6 Smoke Control Order was made by the Council in
December and is now awaiting confirmation by the Ministry of
Housing and Local Government. Following the White Paper on the
supply of fuel a Circular was issued by the Ministry on 17th
December, 1963 in which local authorities were advised of the
technicological advance in the production of Gas which will
affect the future supply of Gas Coke, and attention was drawn to
a variety of appliances which should now be regarded as "reasonably
necessary", that is openable stoves, under¬floor draught
open fires, fixed gas, electric storage and oil heaters, and
that whilst these are of a more expensive type, they are far
more efficient and economic, and that full expenditure on such
installations should rank for grant. The Council will consider
the implications of the Circular in due course.