London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The work of the municipal midwives was as follows:-
1. The number of maternity deliveries by Municipal Midwives
on the district in the year 1, 397
2. The number of live births 1,387
3. The number of forceps deliveries 3
4. The number of still births 10
5. The number of neo-natal deaths Nil
6. The number of premature live born infants 10
(1) 34 weeks - 3 lbs. 4ozs. Transferred to Hospital
(2) 30 weeks - Not weighed. Transferred to Hospital
(3) 38 weeks - 41bs. 12ozs. Home
(4) 36 weeks - 41bs. 8ozs. Home
(5) 35 weeks - 41bs. 4ozs. Home
(6) 36 weeks - 31bs. 5ozs. Transferred to Hospital
(7) and
(8) 36 weeks - Twins - 51bs. 8ozs. and 51bs. 4ozs. Home
(9) and
(10) 36 weeks - Twins - 2 lbs and 5 lbs. Transferred to
7. The number of patients who received Trilene 19
8. The number of patients who received Gas-Air Analgesia 1. 297
9. The number of cases of P.P.H. (Home 16) 16
10. The number of cases of manual removal of placenta at home 2
The number of patients who received blood transfusion at home 4
12. The number of cases to which Plying squad was called ... 4
13. The number of cases of toxaemia of pregnancy treated at home 10
14. The number of cases of prolonged labour (over 24 hours) 2
15. The number of breech deliveries 6
16. The number of twins delivered 4
4 sets
17. The number of triplets Nil
18. The number of cases of Puerperal Pyrexia 31
(Genital Nil)
(Extra-Genital 31)
19. The number of congenital malformations 6
(Talipes 3)
(Cleft palate 1)
(Extra digits 1)
(Spina Bifida 1)
Patients given Pethedlne 741
21 Patients sent to Hospital 401
(Ante-natal 306)
(During Labour 74)
(After Delivery 21)
Patients sent home for nursing 458
(Home booked 233)
(Hospital booked 225)