London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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(d) Filtration and Sterilisation of Water (All Pools)
The water at all the pools is filtered by pressure filters
at approximately a four hour turn over period. The water is
sterilised by operating super chlorination of average free
chlorine content 2 p. p.m. at a pH of 7.8.
Bacteriological tests are taken frequently by the Public
Health Department and no adverse reports were received.
(See "Laboratory Examinations").
The water to all Baths is supplied by the Croydon Water
2. Sewage
Sewerage and sewage disposal of the Borough are reasonably
adequate. There were difficulties due to flooding just outside
the Borough. An extensive scheme of remedial works was awaiting
Ministerial sanction.