London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The Tables below give figures for 1945.

FOSTER CHILDREN. at Dec.31st 1044Notice of Reception of Children during the yearNotice of removal to—Children AdoptedDiedChildren reaching age of 9No. as at Dec. 31st 1945
ParentAnother irea with Foster ParentAnother Foster MotfierPublic Institution


No. as at December 31st 1944Applications for Authorisation during the year.Removals during the yearAuthorisation cancelled for other reasonsNo. as at December 31st 1945
With ChildWithout child

The Health Visitors paid 997 visits to foster-mothers for the
purpose of supervision.
The Obstetric Service has been described in my Report lor
1938. The following are the statistics for 1945.
Taking the Registrar-General's figures for maternal mortality
(deaths directly due to pregnancy), the rate for England and
Wales for 1945 was 1.79 per 1,000 births. In Croydon the rate
was 2.45. In "booked" cases treated by the Obstetric Service
the rate for 1945 was 0.02 per 1,000 Hospital deliveries; nil Per
1,000 home deliveries, and 0.38 per 1,000 over all deliveries.
The total rate for the Service, 0.38 per 1,000, is the lowest
ever recorded-
Of the cases treated to a conclusion at the Post-Natal Clinic
during 1945, 96.8 per cent, were classified as "Health Unimpaired."
This signifies that anatomically and functionally their
condition was the same as before their pregnancies. The corresponding
figure for 1944 was 96.7.