Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]
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A number of adjustments of the work of the various Inspectors
were made during the latter part of 1923 and the early weeks
of 1924. These will be referred to in greater detail in the next
report, in which it is hoped to include a more extended statement of
the work of the Sanitary Department.
Inspections made by the Sanitary Inspectors.
No. of visits re infectious disea.se 860
House drains tested with smoke (primary) 627
House drains tested on application 90
No. of smoke tests during repair 574
No. of water teste during repair 418
Inspection of premises where offensive trades are conducted 11
Inspections of Factories 409
,, ,, Workshops 475
,, ,, Bakehouses 437
„ „ Outworkers 311
Visits to employers' of outworkers 20
Inspections of Kitchens where food is prepared 73
Inspections of Greengrocers 287
„ ,, Fishmongers 209
,, ,, Ice Cream Shops 104
„ ,, Schools 124
„ „ Stables 2378
„ ,, Yards
,, ,, Common Lodging Houses 578
,, „ Houses let in Lodgings 186
,, ,, Urinate 1600
Smoke observations 35
Re-inspections of work in progress 14604
Sundry visits 5431
Complaints from public investigated 2259
No. of Houses inspected under the Housing (Insp. of Dist.)
Regs., 1910 3044
No. of houses inspected under Rent Restrictions Act, 1920 79
No. of houses inspected where zymotic diseases have occurred 549
Nuisances, etc., discovered by the Sanitary Inspectors.
Defective ashbins 896
Requiring cleansing and whitewashing 2140
Defective drains 158
Damp 688
Defective downspouts 216
Defective gutters 617
Overcrowded 65
Defective roofs 899
Defective sanitary fittings 463
W.C.'s insufficiently screened 4
Insufficient W.C. accommodation 11
Defective W.C. accommodation 25
Want of intervening ventilated space to W.C.'s 5
Want of ashbins 6
Requiring cleansing and whitewashing 54
Overcrowded 5
Defective paving 6
Want of ventilation of stoves 5
Infringement of drinking water supply regulations 16
Sundry other nuisances 49