London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chislehurst 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chislehurst]

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The following will give the necessary figures required by
Article V. of the Regulations:—
No. of dwelling-houses inspected 52
,, dwelling-houses which on inspection were
considered to be in a state so dangerous or
injurious to health as to be unfit for human
habitation 0
,, representations made to the Council with a
view to the making of Closing Orders 0
,, Closing Orders made 0
,, dwelling-houses the defects in which were
remedied without the making of Closing
Orders 24
,, dwelling-houses which, after making of
Closing Orders were put into a fit state for
human habitation 0
There were 52 houses inspected during 1914. None of them
were in a condition so satisfactory as not to require repair: 24 were
repaired on receipt of Preliminary Notices, and the remainder were
in hand at the end of December.
The following is a summary of the defects:—
Water: There were no covers to cistern, or the cistern required
cleaning out in 6 houses.
The provision for the storage of food was unsatisfactory in
3 instances. There were structural defects in the closet accommodation
in 25 houses—in some cases there was insufficient light
and in others the walls or roof were defective. In two instances
defects were due to bad usage.
Drains or their accessories were defective in 26 houses and
drain ventilation absent in 26 houses.
There was defective lighting in the living rooms of three houses
owing to their being built close to adjoining buildings.
Dampness was present in 22 living rooms, 14 bedrooms and 6
Four of the houses had signs of vermin on walls and other
The external defects were: walls 20, roofs 12, gutters 23, rain
water pipes 7, and floor ventilation 1.
Internal defects were: living rooms—walls 27, ceilings 32,
floors 4, windows 8, staircase 8. Bedrooms—walls 16, ceilings 28,
floors 2, and windows 7. Sculleries—walls 25, ceilings 20, floors 2.
Many of the internal defects to walls and ceilings were that they
were dirty owing to long usage,