London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chislehurst 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chislehurst]

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No Schools have been closed during the year on account of the
prevalence of infectious disease.
Action taken under the Food and Drugs Act is detailed in the
Sanitary Inspector's Report.
Dairies, Cowsheds, etc.
One set of premises has changed hands during the year, and
slight alterations improving the premises were effected at the time
of the transfer on my representing to the Council that they were
Dairies, Cowsheds, and Milkshops.
Regulations made under the 1885 Order have been in force in
this District since 1903.
There are now 16 persons (occupying premises in the district)
on the Register, as follows:—
Dairymen and Purveyors 1
Purveyors only 13
Cowkeepers 1
Cowkeepers, Dairymen and Purveyors 1
There are now only two slaughter-houses being used—one in
the Upper and one in the Lower Borough. They have been regularly
inspected during the year.
Housing, Town Planning, etc. Act, 1909.
The number of houses inspected under this Act since it came
into force is as follows:—
191 1 104
191 2 173
191 3 233
19114 52