London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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(2) Number of dwelling houses demolished
in pursuance of Demolition
Orders —
Public Health Act, 1936. Section 75. Provision
of Dustbins.
Notices served requiring prevision of bins 15
Number complied with—
(a) by Owners 8
(b) by Local Authority in default of
Owners 4
Bins provided in. consequence of informal
action 54
(a) Milk Supply.
The milk retailed for consumption in the area is
railbourne, pasteurised and bottled, except for one small
supply by a producer retailer.
Licences granted by the Council under Milk Special
Designations Order, 1936:—
Pasteurised Milk 16
Tuberculin Tested Milk 9
Supplementary Licences:—
Pasteurised Milk 2
Tuberculin Tested Milk 1
No. of cowsheds in district 1
(b) Meat Inspection.
The slaughterhouses in the area remained closed
during the year.