London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Acton 1893

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Acton]

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Several copies of 1892 have been lithographed, but all of
these have been given away to various authorities. They are all
of various sizes.
I mention this because I wish to point out how important
it is that all annual reports of the Medical Officer should be
printed. I think it is very desirable also that all these reports
should be printed on the same sized paper, and I think the time
is not far distant when the Local Government Board will desire
that all districts should have their reports printed on paper of the
same size and shape.
The year has been remarkable for a great drought more or
less all over Europe.
Coincidentally with this there has been in London a prevalence
of certain zymotic diseases, such for instance, as Scarlet Fever
and Diarrhœa. Small-pox has been prevalent in some parts of the
Cholera visited some of the ports and a few cases
occurred in inland towns. In connection with this, I believe the
opinion is that it may break out again next year, in those places
where it was most prevalent. The Influenza also visited the
country during the autumn and winter months.
In accordance with the plan of my predecessor, I have
divided the district into six sub-districts, corresponding with the
Ecclesiastical divisions of the district. As, however, they have
never been exactly defined, I have thought it best to describe the
boundaries as near as I can,