London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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London County Council 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]

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Accidents in the home 94
Adoption of children 72
Air pollution 58
Ambulance service 86
Analgesia 75
Ante-natal sessions 67
Anthrax 20
Analysis of samples 54, 61
Appendix. 153
Audiometry 109
Bathing centres107
Births 10, 180
Blind persons 50
Building materials examinations 58
Building programme 63
Cancer 13,181
Care of mothers and young children .. 67
Cerebral hemorrhage 15
Child guidance 118
Child helps 83
Child life protection 73
Child-minders 74
Child welfare 72
Chronic sick 54
Dangerous structures 49
Day nurseries 73
Deaths12, 182, 183
Degenerative diseases 15
Dental services 102, 121
Detergents 57
Diabetes 15,116
Diarrhoea and enteritis 20
Digestive diseases 15
Diphtheria 20, 84, 114
Disinfestation 50
Domestic help service 83
Domiciliary midwifery service 75
Dysentery 22
Emergency obstetric service 76
Employment of children 108, 109
Enteric fevers 22
Enuresis 117
Epileptic children 115
Erysipelas 22
Expectant and nursing mothers 67
Family planning 69
Fertilisers and feeding stuffs 60
Fertility 10
Finance 130
Food poisoning 22
Foot defects 61
Foot clinics 92
General Practitioners 78,102
Handicapped children 115
Handicapped persons 54
Health centre 142
Health education 93
Health visiting 79
Heart disease 13
Home nursing 80
Homeless families units 53
Hospital services .. .. 5, 30, 70, 112
Hostel for mentally defective girls 99
Housing 48
Hygiene inspection of school pupils .. 107
Illegitimacy 12
Immunisation 84
Improvement grants 49
Infant mortality 16, 184, 185
Infectious diseases 20,114
Infectious diseases in schools 114
Insecticides 62
Influenza 22
Introduction 4
Leptospirosis 23
Marriages 11
Marriage guidance 71
Maladjusted children 118
Mass miniature radiography 35, 68
Maternal mortality 18, 182, 185
Maternity and child welfare records 72
Meals for children 105
Meals for invalids 54
Measles 23
Medical inspection of school children 103
Medical treatment of school children 112
Meningococcal infections 23
Mental health services 95
Mental health education 70
Midwifery service 75
Milk sampling 49, 50
Mortality 12,153
Neo-natal mortality 16
Nephritis 13, 15
Night helps 83
Nurseries, day 73
Nurseries, residential 72
Nursing home registration 52
Occasional creches 74
Occupation centres 100
Ophthalmia neonatorum 23
Orthodontics 124